Thursday, February 28, 2008

Spring Chickens Begin Springing Out Of Offseason Eggs

Camp games are underway in Florida and Arizona, and our whistle for the cowhide has officially begun to moisten.

As pictured above, P Diddy -- sans gun -- was in uniform for the Mets, who bageled the Cardinals 7-0; The Giants were doubled up by the Cubbies, as Kevin Correia got truly goatcreamed; and the Sawwwwxx looked facking ferocious against stiff opposition.

A gaggle of other games, monitored for fantasy purposes, went down as well: Ryan Howard, Braun, and Granderson each went yard; Joe Blanton got lit.

All in all, we're sure an absolutely great day for fans collecting skin cancer baskin' in it down at their respective team's camps.

Full Scoreboard

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