Friday, March 7, 2008

The Most Anticipated Sunday

We aren't talking about the Super Bowl.

Nor Selection Sunday on the 16th.

That's right Herc and Carver... we are talking about the series finale of The Wire.

David Simon, Ed Burns and some of the other main writers penned a great piece for TIME about America's war on drugs. Highly recommended reading.

Also, if you're looking for thoughtful and analytical discussion on the show, here are some breeding grounds for provocative thought:

Heaven and Here (written by Free Darko's Bethlehem Shoals and several other contributors)

The House Next Door (Extremely in-depth Wire entries written primarily by Time Out New York television critic Andrew Johnston)

Tim Goodman's Blog (The SF Chronicler's episode deconstructions are always an enjoyable read)

Only 53 more hours for us West Coasters until launch!

1 comment:

cgaeto said...

Hope your clipboard didn't get too roughed up last night!